
Dark circles under the eyes, cause and solution

We all suffer from face or skin complaints from time to time. You may recognize that. You look in the mirror and suddenly you notice it. These can be wounds or acne. But dark circles under the eyes also occur.

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You may wonder what are the different causes of dark circles under the eyes. Does this only have to do with too little sleep and tiredness? In this article, you can read what could be the cause and how you could reduce dark circles under the eyes!

What are dark circles under the eyes anyway?

There are various skin problems that can affect you. You can think of dry skin, thin skin, or even an allergic reaction. For example through makeup. Now, dark circles under the eyes also occur regularly. You may be familiar with it. You get up in the morning, look in the mirror and you see that you have bags and dark circles.

Now, many people think that dark circles and puffiness are mainly caused by too little sleep. Oh well, that's easy to fix. You just go to bed a little earlier. But there is more to say about dark circles under the eyes.

These are like dark lines that can be seen right under your eyes. The circles are often light or dark blue in color. The under-eye circles can make it look like you have tired eyes or your skin is dull.

How are dark circles under the eyes caused?

What causes dark circles? You are not alone with this question. This is because it can be caused by various causes, including sleep deprivation. But you can't always do something about it. First, you should know that your skin is thinner under your eyes.

Because instead of fat and other tissue, this part of the skin consists mainly of blood vessels. In some, these blood vessels are a bit darker in color than in the other. But the blue circles can also get worse due to a number of causes, such as:

  • It runs in the family: Have you noticed that your family or family members also suffer from under-eye circles? If you also have this, it may well be that it is a genetic predisposition.
  • You don't sleep enough: Do you spend your nights awake or tossing around? Then it could just be that you suffer from dark circles or swollen eyelids due to sleep deprivation. This is because this can prevent your skin from recovering properly, causing the blood vessels to become visible earlier.
  • Age: As you get older, you may also notice that the circles under your eyes become darker. Your skin can become a bit saggy, which can cause shadows under your eyes. Of course, there's nothing you can do about that either.
  • A lack of moisture: Do you often forget to drink enough in a day? This can also be a cause of dark circles under your eyes. This is because too little moisture can cause your skin to become thinner.

So you can see that there are many causes for dark circles to appear on your skin.

How can I reduce dark circles?

Want to reduce under-eye circles? It is not surprising that you are looking for a solution to this “problem”. Especially when you notice that the dark circles have gotten worse. Is there a solution? That certainly can be there.

1. Sufficient sleep

Dark circles under the eyes can also have causes other than sleep deprivation. But it may have something to do with it. Because if it's genetic or your blood vessels are already a bit darker, sleep deprivation can make the circles worse. So try to pay more attention to your sleep rhythm. Not that the circles disappear immediately. But you may notice that you feel fitter and that the circles are getting a little lighter.

2. Use an eye cream

You may have noticed that the skin under the eyes is thinner than on the rest of your face. An eye cream can help the skin become firmer and absorb moisture, reducing dark circles or fine lines under your eyes. But you should keep in mind that the circles don't just disappear or stay away, but you can notice a difference.

3. Try to drink enough

Your skin can get quite sore if you don't drink enough in a day, not only for symptoms such as headaches. But your skin can also become drier or weaker. In addition, you may suffer from dark circles. Therefore, try to drink about 2 liters of water a day so that your skin has the chance to retain enough moisture.

4. Ask a dermatologist for advice

Unfortunately, there isn't always a permanent solution for under-eye circles. But if it bothers you, you can also consider asking a dermatologist for advice. This is a professional who knows a lot about skin problems and treatments. Perhaps you can come to a solution with him or her. It never hurts to ask, right?

Can you use makeup for dark circles under the eyes?

What do you do if the dark circles don't go away or don't go away enough? For example, can you use makeup under your eyes? That is indeed possible. This can be a quick solution to lighten the color under your eyes. You can use a concealer for this. Don't worry, concealer isn't the same as foundation.

Because concealers are a bit lighter and thicker, you only use this makeup under your eyes or in areas where you have a pimple. Due to the light color, the spot is somewhat less noticeable. With a brush, you can apply and blend the concealer, brightening dark tissues. But you can also use the tip of your index finger for a lighter result. Just make sure you have enough daylight so you can see what you're doing.

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