The Art of Graceful Aging

Maintain your beauty in a natural looking way. We specialize in injectable treatments.

Get now -10% discount on your first treatment! This one-off promotion is valid for treatments up to May 13, 2022.
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Daniëlle, 52 y.o.
Treated by Aēstec
terrific (4.9/5)

The best-rated cosmetic clinics in the Netherlands.

We specialize in injectable treatments to help you maintain beauty - in a natural way.

Aēstec is known for

Meet Aēstec enthusiasts

Karin Bloemen

Comedian and singer, 64 years

Karin Bloemen bij Aestec

“Just had an Aēslift at Aēstec. What a great team. The treatment was done very careful and with respect. Already happy with the result! ”

Anita Witzier

Presentatrice, 62 jaar

Anita Witzier bij Aēstec

‘‘ Wauw! Ik dacht dat dit niet mogelijk was. Ik ben er ontzettend blij mee! Dank je, team Aēstec. ’’

Trijntje Oosterhuis

Singer, 51 years old

trijntje oosterhuis

“Aēstec's treatment is really great, leaving your skin looking nourished and hydrated.”

Leontine Ruiters

Presenter & actress, 56 years

Leontine Ruiters bij Aestec

“I have had a very nice treatment that I am very happy with myself. In addition, I also received compliments about it! ”

Patty Summer

Dolly Dots, 62 years

parry zomer aestec

“People around me say: wow! You look rested again! And that's exactly what I wanted, rested and still myself! ”

Saskia Noort

Writer & columnist, 56 years old

saskia noort aestec

“I chose Aēstec because I felt really good during the first consultation I had with the doctor.”

Stella Bergsma

Writer & columnist, 53 years

stella bergsma aestec

“I get a lot of reactions in my environment and also on the internet about how fresh and radiant I look, and that's exactly how I feel.”

Babette van der Veen

Actress & singer, 56 years

Babette van der Veen bij Aestec

Aēstec on Instagram

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Beauty and confidence at every stage of your life

Aēslift™ 2023: Never look tired again

Are you looking for a quick and effective way to reduce the signs of sagging and aging? Then read on.

More about Aēslift™

Voor Liquid facelift met Juverderm fillers in Amsterdam
Facelift Kliniek in Amsterdam voor treatment
Gezichtslift Kliniek Amesterdam voor Gracelift behandeling
Voor gracelift liquid facelift behandeling
Gezichtslift Kliniek Amesterdam na Gracelift behandeling
Voor Liquid facelift met Juverderm fillers in Amsterdam
Na vloeibare facelift met Juvederm fillers in Amsterdam
Facelift kliniek Amesterdam na behandeling
Gezichtslift Kliniek Amesterdam na Gracelift behandeling
Na gracelift liquid facelift behandeling
Liquid facelift met Juverderm fillers in Amsterdam
Gezichtslift Kliniek Amesterdam na Gracelift behandeling

They visited us before you...

We are proud of the results of our treatments and hope to make you just as happy soon.

Pauly van der Leest

5 out of 5 stars

“Extremely satisfied with my Aēstlift treatment with Juvedermfillers. My jawline has a nice contour again and my skin glows. The result is incredibly natural. I was very professionally helped by the entire team. Thanks for this!!”

Pauly van der Leest, 51 years old

Social Security Consultant at KLM

stella bergsma aestec

5 out of 5 stars

“I had a Profhilo treatment that was not so bad for me, curious to see the result. I'll report that here too! Super nice people, treated nicely and courteously. Delicious cappuccino. Good result. I'm going here for fun!”

Stella Bergsma, 54 y.o.

Writer & columnist

Madeleine Braun

5 out of 5 stars

“Today I went to Aestec for an Aēslift. This is a filler treatment, or rather a liquid facelift with Juvederm fillers. This gives you a tighter jawline and chin. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful beforehand! The treatment did not hurt, you will be at ease before and during the treatment. And the result is superb. A very natural difference. I think that is very important! So very happy with it!”

Madeleine Braun, 53 y.o.


Margot Luyendijk

5 out of 5 stars

“I went to Aēstec today for the Aēslift Liquid Facelift with Juvēderm fillers. The result is even better than I thought, I didn't know this was possible. Very happy with it! Finally, a tight jawline again. And a nice bonus: the doctors and assistants at Aestec are super sweet!”

Margot Luyendijk, 56 y.o.

Pharmaceutical assistant

Caroline Veenman

5 out of 5 stars

“I'm really happy! Although I have nothing against helping nature, I really wanted to stay myself, which was really my number one wish. Fortunately, that fits perfectly with how Aestec works. After the intake and the warm welcome, I just followed the doctor's advice completely, and good thing because I have a very nice natural result! I'm really happy, thank you.”

Caroline Veenman, 53 y.o.


With these treatments, we let you shine

Carice van Houten bij Aestec

‘‘ In tijden van drukte en stress verwen ik mezelf graag met een skin boost bij Aēstec ’’

Carice van Houten

Internationaal bekende actrice

Support your beauty with JUVÉDERM® fillers.

When it comes to filler treatments, we fully rely on JUVÉDERM®. The number one brand of hyaluronic acid fillers in the world.

Carice is een groot voorstander van onze holistische benadering. Deze verfrist niet alleen haar huid, maar biedt haar ook de ontspanning die ze nodig heeft om even tot rust te komen.

More about Aēstec & Juvéderm

Natural-looking results

Discover the proven results of various treatments performed by Aēstec's medical specialists.

See more results
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Aēstec injectablesAēstec injectablesaestec logo
Aēstec injectablesAēstec injectablesaestec logo
Aēstec injectablesAēstec injectablesaestec logo
Aēstec injectablesAēstec injectablesaestec logo

Waarom model Daniëlle (53 jaar) kiest voor Aēstec

Klik voor de hele video met geluid

sylvie meis - FIVE Clinics

Ondersteun jouw schoonheid met de fillers van JUVÉDERM®

Bij filler behandelingen vertrouwen we volledig op JUVÉDERM®. Het nummer één merk hyaluronzuurfillers in de wereld.

Meer over Aēstec & Juvéderm

Aēstec is affiliated with

Frequently asked questions by our customers


Does injectable treatment hurt?

No. A treatment is painless because we use the thinnest needle in the world (THE INVISIBLE NEEDLE). A filler treatment is also not painful because the fillers contain anaesthetic. A lip treatment can be sensitive because the lips are very well circulated and there are a lot of nerves, which is why we use special anesthetic cream. In addition, our doctors will work very carefully and very carefully, so that no discomfort is felt.


How long can I continue to enjoy the results?

Aēstec works with the number 1 hyaluronic acid filler brand worldwide: Juvéderm whose effect lasts 18-24 months. It is also the case that afterwards, only a touch-up with small amounts of fillers is needed to keep track of the result.


I will soon have an event where I want to look extra good, when is the best time to schedule an appointment?

The results after a filler treatment are immediately visible and the result will be optimal within two weeks. We recommend planning your appointment 2 weeks before an important event.

Check out our FAQ

The latest news about beauty, skincare and injectables

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