
Marionette lines: treatment with fillers

If you notice that the corners of your mouth are hanging, you may therefore suffer from so-called puppet lines. But how are marionette lines created? And is there also a treatment to reduce marionette lines?

Leontine Ruiters bij Aēstec

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There are various treatments that are possible for your face. And there are even treatments that are virtually painless. So you don't always have to go under the knife. If you notice that the corners of your mouth are hanging, you may therefore suffer from so-called puppet lines. But how are marionette lines created? So that may have to do with age.

But if you find those marionette lines annoying, is there also a treatment for reducing marionette lines? You can read more about marionette lines and marionette line treatment here.

Marionette lines: hanging corners of the mouth

If you don't have a medical background, you may not be familiar with puppet lines yet. These are a type of line that can occur in the corners of your mouth. They are actually vertical lines that run downwards. So it can look like the corners of your mouth are down.

Why are they called marionette lines? Because many people compare it to the strings attached to a puppet. Marionette lines are otherwise normal and there are more people who suffer from this. But if you find this annoying or you think that the lines stand out too much, you might be looking for a puppet line treatment. For example, there are cosmetic doctors you can go to.

How do marionette lines actually form?

Marionette lines have been created over the years. Some of them stand out more than others. Maybe you've only noticed the lines recently. There are various causes that can cause the corners of your mouth to droop. Here are a few examples:

  • You are getting older: That your skin loses elasticity is normal. This is because you are getting older and the production of collagen decreases. Collagen is a substance produced by the body. But because your skin becomes a bit saggy, you can also suffer from drooping corners of the mouth
  • You smoke: Smoking cigarettes not only affects your organs, but also your skin
  • It is genetic: Not all skin problems have a clear cause. This is because it can also be a genetic predisposition. Maybe your family members also have clear puppet lines

Who can be affected by marionette lines?

Actually, anyone can be bothered by puppet lines. It is not the case that only women get these lines around the mouth. You can also see them in men. Now everyone deals with this differently. Treatment is therefore never mandatory.

Marionette line treatment: filler treatment

If you notice that your marionette lines stand out and you want to do something about this, it is possible to opt for a marionette line treatment. This can be done with a cosmetic doctor. With many doctors, you can get a free consultation receive, where you get honest advice from the doctor. During an initial consultation, the doctor not only looks at your skin, but can also draw up a personal treatment plan for a treatment method.

The treating doctor can suggest a filler treatment as a marionette line treatment. Fillers are not the same as a botox treatment. This is because fillers can fill the marionette lines, making the lines a bit softer. This can reduce the marionette lines. But in addition to filling, fillers also stimulate collagen production.

Fillers are inserted with a thin needle, so it is not surgery. Of course, whether it is painful varies from person to person. It also differs per cosmetic doctor which liquid is used for the right filler. You may want to ask for an anesthetic cream for treated skin to help you feel less pain. And after a few weeks, a check-up appointment will follow so that the doctor can check the fillers.

What to do after treatment with fillers?

Everyone responds differently to a filler treatment. The cosmetic doctor can tell you more about that, including about recovery. Recovery after fillers is not the same as with surgery. Because you have no wound. But you may notice that your skin is more sensitive. In addition, blue or red spots can also occur around the treated area.

In principle, you can just go about your daily activities. When it comes to exercising, using makeup and tanning beds, it is wise to discuss this with the doctor. He or she can tell you exactly what to take into account.

Treatment of marionette lines with makeup?

Fillers are not permanent. After about 12 months, you can already notice that the effect is waning. And although inserting fillers is not an operation, not everyone is eager for needle treatment. Maybe you feel the same way. Are there any other options for a puppet line treatment?

Take makeup now. With makeup, you can temporarily make the puppet lines disappear. You can choose to apply foundation or concealer to your face. With this makeup, you won't fill the puppet lines. But you can make them less noticeable. To prevent the puppet lines from standing out correctly, it is a smart idea not to use dark colors. But you can also try out what works for you.

Can you prevent marionette lines?

The condition of your skin is not completely under control. You could read earlier that marionette lines can also be caused by a genetic predisposition. So prevention is not entirely possible, but you can protect and care for your skin properly.

For example, make sure you always protect your skin against UV radiation. This is because this prevents the sun from causing damage to your skin or causing it to burn. This is because marionette lines can also be created by UV radiation. There are sun creams that you can try, but also day creams that contain SPF. Coat not only your face, but also the rest of your body to protect yourself.

You can also take care of your skin by cleansing it thoroughly every day. Take your makeup off thoroughly every day to prevent irritation. In addition, there are also serums and creams that you can try. These are not treatments that immediately disappear or prevent marionette lines, but they can contribute to healthy skin. For example, there are creams containing Q10. This substance can help prevent early wrinkles and nourish your skin.

Shall we get acquainted?

Do you already know what you want, or do you want more information first? Together with the cosmetic doctor, you will discuss the options and receive a personal treatment plan. The first consultation is always free of charge.

Schedule an informal consultation